Executive & Leadership Coaching

Clarify your Vision, Develop Strategies and Enhance Performance

Assessment and Goal Setting: Conducts an initial assessment to understand the executive's strengths, weaknesses, and goals. Collaborates with the executive to establish clear and measurable objectives for the coaching engagement.
One-on-One and Group Coaching Sessions: Conducts regular, confidential, and personalized coaching sessions with the executive. Utilizes various coaching methodologies such as cognitive behavior, 360 degree feedback, appreciative inquiry and flow coaching
Skill Development: Identifies areas for skill development based on the executive's goals and organizational needs. Designs and implements targeted coaching plans to enhance specific leadership skills such as communication, decision-making, emotional intelligence, and conflict resolution.
Behavioral Change: Works with the executive to identify and modify behaviors that may be hindering professional growth or impacting team dynamics. Encourages the adoption of positive habits and leadership practices that align with organizational goals.
Feedback and Reflection: Provides constructive feedback to the executive on their performance and progress. Encourages self-reflection and self-awareness, fostering a deeper understanding of the executive's leadership style and its impact on others.
Conflict Resolution: Assists in navigating and resolving conflicts within the executive team or between the executive and other team members. Provides tools and strategies for effective conflict resolution and relationship management.
Strategic Planning: Collaborates with the executive to align personal and professional goals with the organization's strategic objectives. Assists in creating action plans and strategies to achieve both short-term and long-term goals.
Accountability and Follow-Up: Establishes a system for tracking progress and holds the executive accountable for commitments made during coaching sessions. Adjusts coaching strategies based on evolving needs and challenges.
Crisis Management: Provides support during challenging times, such as organizational changes, crises, or high-pressure situations. Assists the executive in maintaining resilience and adaptability.
Continuous Improvement: Encourages a mindset of continuous learning and improvement.
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